I present my Horoscope for 2025. I have been a bit delayed in writing it, I did not want to rush it, I wanted to make sure that it was thorough.
The start of 2025 is with a Mars Retrograde, we also have the major planetary bodies all in different signs in 2025 including Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus Neptune and Pluto. All these planets have world shaping capabilities and you see these changes in circumstances such as technology advancements, changes to laws and the status of countries to major reforms and spiritual transformation.
There also will be a series of Eclipses and Mercury Retrogrades in 2025 which I give the dates for as well as they have quite an effect on the collective as well.
A Majority of outer planets are yang signs which are the fire and air signs for 2025 such as Jupiter for a part of 2025, Saturn moving into the fire Aries, Uranus moving into the airy Gemini, Neptune moving into the fiery Aries and Pluto already in the air sign Aquarius. Yang energy is more extroverted, outward energy. It is masculine, dynamic and signifies movement if you could imagine a dancing flame or a traveling wind.
Fire manifests as action and air manifests as ideas and communication so when you put the two together, ideas manifest as action. Yet is not necessarily an energy that is grounded and sometimes can feel like it is all over the place, as you could imagine a flame getting blown about by the wind.
It looks like starting in the Spring after March 25th just a bit post the spring equinox is when a lot of long-term transits of planets will be taking place. I would advise during this time to get a reading to see how these planets will be affecting your natal chart and what areas they will be impacting for years to come. Great change could bring a lot of anxiety and potential stress. This is just an adjustment period and over time we will get more used to it. It is important to keep yourself grounded and relaxed. Speak to a therapist, if necessary, seek the support of friends, family and community. ask to surrender yourself to a higher power and let it take control.
Staying grounded will be very important that means getting enough sleep if not a bit more sleep that usual, keeping a consistent routine, meals, getting good exercise and staying focused on your goals and purpose. There can be a lot of energy that could have you spinning mentally in a lot of directions, so it is especially important to stay focused.
If you could see the changes as exciting instead of fearing them then it can be a lot more of an adventure. We most likely will begin to see some major shifts on a global scale.
Here is a list of dates for the transits for 2025
February 28th Mars goes direct in Arie after over two months of retrograde motion
Neptune enters Aries March 25th, 2025
May 4th to October 18th Pluto will be in retrograde in Aquarius
May 24th, 2025, Saturn enters Aries
June 9th, 2025, Jupiter moves into Cancer
Uranus enters Gemini on July 7th, 2025
September 7th Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
September 21st Solar Eclipse in Virgo
Here are the three sets of Mercury Retrograde dates for 2025
February 28th the first retrograde pre shadow is February 28th which means the retrograde will slowly creep up. February 27th, 2027, Mars will come out of retrograde only for Mercury to retrograde in two weeks' time.
March 14th Mercury retrograde in Aries
Mercury Direct April 7th in Aries
Mercury post shadow ends April 26th in Aries
Mercury Pre shadow June 29th in Leo
Mercury Retrograde July 17th in Leo
Mercury Direct august 11th in Leo
Mercury Post shadow ends August 25th in Leo
Mercury Pre shadow in Scorpio October 21st
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius November 9th
Mercury Post shadow ends December 16th in Sagittarius
Mars Retrograde
Mars retrogrades lasts from December 6th 2024 to February 28th 2025
During that time it cycles through Leo at the beginning of the retrograde to shift into Cancer on January 30th where it then goes direct in Cancer On 02/28 2027. Mars will not go retrograde again until 2027.
Mars retrograde has us reflect on our inner warrior energies and we may feel a bit more tired than usual. It is time for the warrior to go inward and understand itself better. This can mean the usual aggressive and desire oriented nature of Mars slows down and that the external actions of conquest, achievement, physical activity and sexual energy could become delayed or be lower than usual.
We most likely will internalize our anger and frustrations more and learn to see what it is we are truly passionate about and where we want to direct our energies.
The transit of Mars in Leo will have us reflect on our pride, ego, creativity and leadership ability and how we assert those things and make them happen. Mars in Cancer will have us reflect on the home, family, emotions and intuition and how we protect and go after these things.
Saturn in Aries
I will start talking about the 3-year orbit of Saturn changing into Aries after transiting Pisces for two years.
May 24th, 2025, Saturn enters Aries
December 5th, 2024, Saturn retrograde in Aries
Saturn retrograde reenters Pisces January 6th, 2026
Saturn Reenters Aries direct February 14th, 2026
Saturn leaves Aries April 12th, 2028
Saturn the planet of karma and restrictions has shaped the signs of Pisces since March 7th, 2023, in between some retrograde action during that time. It has forced us to be more practical in achieving our dreams, to work through emotions such as wishful thinking, self-pity (feeling a victim.) as well as tighter rules and regulations to do with narcotics, social welfare as we can see here in America with homeless encampments and policies (Saturn) to do with drugs (Pisces). We had to learn how to set boundaries between helping and being taken advantage of, when to say no when manipulated and how to create systems where the disadvantaged can be self-sufficient and manage their own lives.
Saturn's wish for this transit in Pisces is that we learn how to build our vision of our ideal world into reality, maintaining an order of unity, compassion, love and acceptance.
When Saturn enters Aries there can be restrictions on our independence perhaps by government measures and more military control. Not saying to expect war, all I am saying is when Saturn went into Aries last was during WW2 and also during the American civil war and there maybe similar themes but does not necessarily mean war as much as great change.
Saturn is traditionally in fall in Aries which means it is not at its greatest strength. With awareness and adjustment one can utilize this transit for great benefit and wisdom.
Aries is also the pioneer, the daredevil and the warrior. This could mean a great reset when it comes to rules, laws, traditions, business and the banks. New more calculating risk-taking movements in this area's most likely will increase and Saturn's discipline
will apply to those who want to start a new business, a new lifestyle, move, travel. Whatever it is you are most passionate about will be put to the test and scrutinized, as well as how you assert yourself in the world and go after your desires.
The emotions and themes of courage, bravery, honesty, anger, violence and impulsiveness will be thought about and evaluated on a deeper level. We may learn the deeper impact on the structure of our lives when we give into our lower impulses. Saturn forces us to introspect and work through any blockages we feel in this area so we can express ourselves in ways that don't shake up the structures of our lives.
We could see stricter rules and boundaries within the military and athletics which are all things ruled by Aries.
Saturn is the great taskmaster giving you back the karma of the seeds you planted. We will have to work hard to branch off in new independent directions. We may move forward with speed and then have to slow down and perfect and solidify what we initiated. We could come out of this 3-year transit with greater control of our assertiveness, independence, leadership, strength, anger, impulsive nature and risk-taking nature.
Jupiter in Cancer
On June 9th, 2025, Jupiter shifts from Gemini into Cancer where it will stay until June 30th, 2026.
Jupiter is the planet that expands our growth into the future, that gives us that positive boost because there is a brighter side to things and things to look forward to. Jupiter can see the bigger picture, it is abundant, lucky and has faith in itself. When Jupiter was in Gemini from the period of May 25th, 2024, to June 9th, 2025, that optimism, higher perspective and expansion came from Gemini qualities such as sharing information, receiving information, communication, playfulness, social connections, short trips, the media and transportation. It is within these Gemini areas where we feel inspired to overcome the setbacks of life and trust that there is a higher power guiding us and blessing us if we open ourselves to receiving.
Jupiter in Gemini could have also magnified all the mental exchange, movement and communicative energy that we could feel overwhelmed by all the stimuli and energy. It could feel a bit scattered.
Jupiter in Cancer is a stronger position than Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer meaning it is at its highest placement. It does exceptionally well here.
It expands on Cancer's love for home, family, healing, ancestry, nurturing caring, spirituality and intuitive world.
We could gain a higher understanding of what our tribe is, gain blessing through ancestral and family connections and confidently heal ourselves. We can increase our spirituality and attract luck and opportunities when we are kind, caring, domestic and gentle.
Jupiter in Cancer favors business and endeavors to do with home, cooking, nursing and properties, to do with our ancestry and ties to the land and our family. It could be a better time to work on projects, activities and business with family and those we are really close to. There is more favorable energy that these things could work out.
As Cancer is also a creative sign this can also be a favorable area as we could expand and have more faith in our talents.
Overall, I sense an increase in community healing and processing of trauma during this Jupiter year. I see that when you let your guard down a bit and come from an authentic place of wanting to open your heart to your fellow human, there will be more support on the planet than before. Perhaps there will be some event that will really force us to be this way, I remember during lockdown when Jupiter was in Capricorn the opposite sign of Cancer. During this time, we expanded and grew (Jupiter) through our limitations and realism (Capricorn) which did reflect the lockdown at that time.
Uranus in Gemini
Uranus the planet of sudden change and awakenings will enter the Sign of Gemini on July 7th, 2025. It will then return to Taurus during retrograde motion for the last time. On April 26th, 2025, Uranus will stay in Gemini for six years until it leaves for the sign of Cancer in August 2032.
Uranus brings innovations, inventions, revolution and sudden change to whatever sign it touches. Uranus has transited Taurus since May 15th, 2018, and will leave on July 7th, 2025, even though it will have a brief stay in 2025 before returning to Gemini. These innovations and flashes of insight have been to all things Taurus: Resources, security, money, food, the earth and our essential values. Uranus is independent and free spirited, and we can see this in cryptocurrencies, the digital economy, more awareness on health foods, climate change (through the internet), banking systems and our relationship to the material world and resources.
Now with Uranus entering Gemini this could be breakthroughs and radical thinking when it comes to Gemini things such as transportation, communication, sales, marketing, the media, languages, travel, learning and teaching. This could look like jetpacks and flying vehicles, perhaps even more common space travel. The speed that trains, planes, cars, boats can travel could increase tremendously. Gemini is ruled by Mercury the winged messenger, an extremely versatile and rapid god. We could also see this increase of speed when it comes to the mail, for technology that assists us with languages, learning and teaching methods. This could be in large part to do accelerated ai technology. This could also increase business sales as Ai would be extremely quick and do all the marketing and sales for you.
There could be definitely more alternative news stations that could even transform the way we perceive the world. The public could be more active in seeking independent sources of information.
Overall, what I sense is that the way we share and receive information will be freer, in terms of freedom to think for ourselves. Uranus is revolutionary and goes against culture and tradition. When we look at new ways to communicate and think, we free ourselves for more exciting, lighter and playful ways to live our lives.
Neptune in Aries
Neptune enters Pisces February 2012 and will leave for Aries March 25th, 2025, where it will stay until March 30th, 2039
Neptune is the planet that represents spirituality, the imagination and all that is nonphysical.
It also represents unity, unconditional love, empathy, compassion and divine art
When Neptune was in Pisces it was comfortable with that sign, as Pisces is ruled by Neptune. Pisces represents healing compassion and spiritual connection so you see putting the two together would generally mean amplified spiritual awakening and think we have seen this across the planet since February 2012. 2012 was the gateway to a new earth and since then things like astrology, psychics, spirituality and crystals etc. have become more mainstream in a lot of places. This has been especially due to the internet. People have more access to books, including eBooks as well as websites and eBooks, e-classes to learn about these things.
With Neptune in Aries, I believe peoples spiritual path will be more about being spiritual warriors. A spiritual warrior is someone who is courageous following their life calling, standing up for themselves, fighting for the underdog, seeking awareness and fighting against the lower tendencies of their mind. I think there will be a lot of pioneering and independent movements within spiritual practices as well as more daring to explore activities such as astral travel, psychic phenomenon and test these things out.
Neptune represents ideals as well as wishes and illusions and you see here the spiritual ideal could be more about being brave, assertive, adventurous and strong. On its most negative side it could mean that as a collective we could be fooled by visions of our power or led by those who promote conflict and fighting.
Neptune entered Aries the day after the American civil war began, I am not saying this will be the final outcome, I am just giving an example of energies from this transit not exactly how the circumstances will manifest. I believe people will be less afraid to say, “Hey yeah I have seen a ghost or had a vision.” There will be a push to be more courageous in this way and I could see people showing their love and compassion in a more direct way.
Pluto in Aquarius
Pluto in Capricorn transited during the housing market crash in 2008 and since then Pluto destructive and regenerative power has been tearing down government, financial, traditions and business structures in the world. This occurred in an earth sign so this transformation had more of a physical and material nature now with Pluto in the air sign Aquarius this will be of a transformation of the mind and social structures of society.
The Last time Pluto was in Aquarius was at the beginning of the French, American and Haitian revolutions and the beginning of the industrial revolution.
Pluto represents deep healing within society, breaking down and destruction, a confrontation with the shadow, what is hidden beneath the surface. On the other side of Pluto is Power, strength and transformation.
Pluto taking this deep dive in Aquarius the humanitarian, the inventor and the revolutionary signifies immense changes within the collective no longer satisfied with the status quo.
Aquarius has an urge for freedom and individuality so we may see this extreme individualism which most likely will be more accessible through advanced technology, AI and potential for more flexible schedules and independent work/currency. We may even see space travel and people taking more interest in governing themselves, thinking for themselves and going against traditional powers and norms.
Astrology and metaphysics as it already have could become a norm and mixed with science. Many alternative methods could become more mainstream and more accepting of people from all walks of life. Physical currency could be replaced with digital currency and there could be more social welfare especially if AI starts doing our work for us.
The hierarchy based on materialism, who has and who doesn't, could be torn down and replaced with a respect for intelligence and advanced thought (Aquarius.)
This 20-year transit can get you thinking outside the box on a global scale wanting to reform and having more original ideas that could transform humanity.
It Is the age of Aquarius now. Radical reforms, equality, freedom, individuality, truth, originality, invention and brotherhood.
The Solar Eclipse in Aries
March 23rd, 2025
The Solar eclipse in Aries 2025 will echo similar themes to that of the Solar Eclipse that occurred In Aries April 8th, 2024.
Solar eclipses are extremely potent new moons with effects lasting from 3 to 6 months depending on how one processes the material and changes that arise.
There can be sudden endings and new beginnings around a solar eclipse. They often feel fated and signify a brand-new chapter such as a move, a job, relationship or lifestyle change.
Aries represents courage, independence, assertiveness and innocence. It is the daredevil, the warrior, the pioneer and the survivor.
After March 23rd, 2025, Circumstances can arise that initiate these new beginnings that bring out that independent and powerful willpower and courage.
Pluto retrograde in Aquarius
May 4th to October 18th 2025
Pluto in direct motion brings transformations and powerful events on a global scale. In Aquarius this has been transforming the world through technology, empowering people and breaking free from the status quo. You could see this in the world as people band together and start questioning and protesting corrupt powers.
When Pluto is in retrograde all these themes take a pause. We begin to reflect on them, depending on what areas of your chart Pluto it is the area that will be affected. We scrutinize the massive transformations that we want to make in ourselves, we analyze our personal power and delve deep into the mysteries and magic of the universe. It will not show up so much in external events so much as an internal process. So, this can be a very potent time for getting in touch with your deepest desires, fears and releasing wounds in the area that Pluto is located in your natal chart.
When Pluto turns direct these themes will play out in the world of external events yet at this point if we have done the work, we will know ourselves better and can be more effective in making the changes we came to realize during the retrograde period.
Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
September 7th
This Lunar eclipse wil mirror the lunar eclipse in Pisces that we experienced during September 17th 2024. Lunar Eclipses can strengthen, test or break relationships; they bring subconscious material to the surface and often reveal hidden truths about situations or people we were unaware of. There can be a lot of synchronicities during eclipse season and it often can feel a bit uncertain and strange.
The two weeks leading up to an eclipse you can begin to see these omens pointing to what may occur, whatever is brought to light is letting you know the truth about a situation or person.
These changes last typically from three to six months depending on how we process the information received. The house that this eclipse is contained in and the planets in aspect to it have tremendous influence over how we will experience this transit.
This eclipse in Pisces will reveal to us do we feel like victims in our lives? Do we trust the flow of the universe, or do we feel pitiful and that is working against us? How much do we love, have compassion and accept others? How giving are we? Are we the same way with ourselves. What is our relationship to the universe…and our power to manifest.
This Eclipse can bring about events that force us to surrender and release the armor around our hearts to let go to a higher intelligence…it is very creative and artistic and many of us discover these talents as we deal with the spectrum of emotions that are triggered.
Solar Eclipse in Virgo
September 21st
The solar eclipse in Virgo will echo that of the Solar Eclipse in Aries. Massive endings and new beginnings that have an effect from three to six months.
Circumstances will arise for this Solar Eclipse that will have us be of service, to purify ourselves, Body, mind and spirit.
We can expect a focus to be on our routines, the details of our lives, organization, planning, schedules and humility. Work and competence will be a huge focus as well as all material matters as Virgo is an earth sign.
Mercury Retrogrades
There will be three Mercury retrograde periods in 2025. Mercury retrograde signifies a time where the planet of communication and the mind goes into reflective mode. We can understand on a deeper level our perceptions, the inner workings of our mind and how we can communicate with others. Old friends from the past may return so that we can see how our mental process has shifted since we have last seen them.
Due to this inward motion there can be delays and miscommunications, so it is best to double check any fine print as well as mull over what you say before you say it. Transportation delays or cancellations, business confusion and mistakes can be very common. These situations teach us to let go of control and go within.
The first retrograde pre shadow
Is February 28th which means the themes of the retrograde will slowly creep up. February 27th, 2025, Mars will come of retrograde only for Mercury to go retrograde in Pisces
Mercury retrogrades in Aries
March 14th
Mercury Direct April 7th in Aries
Mercury post shadow ends April 26th in Aries
Mercury Retrograde in Leo
Mercury pre shadow June 29th in Leo
Mercury retrograde July 17th in Leo
Mercury Direct August 11th in Leo
Mercury post shadow ends August 25th Leo
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius
Mercury pre shadow In Scorpio October 21st
Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius November 9th
Mercury post shadow ends
Overall, there is a lot of rapid change for 2025 and in the years to come we will grow more accustomed to it. The end of the Mayan Calendar in 2012 did not mean that everything would just happen overnight, these transits take time to build depth and complexity. Just like you do not notice the gradual process of aging daily, it is only when we look back can we have greater perspective on the changes that have occurred.
My advice is that you ride the wave and even though fear, anxiety and doubt, look for the excitement in the changes. We are all living in our own separate universe and agreeing to come together and dream a collective reality together.
There will always be circumstances. We always have a choice how we react to them, how we interpret them and what meaning we grant to them.
I would suggest finding the positive in all of it, becoming aware of the story and being honored to be alive during such a magnificent global transformation and unfolding process.